Impact des toxicités cutanées associées aux thérapies ciblées sur la qualité de vie. Résultats d’une étude pilote longitudi...Toward a model of marital resilience to explain parental adjustment to a child’s cancerOutcome of the first 100 femoropopliteal angioplasties performed in the operating theatreMolecular epidemiology of avian influenza virus and incidence of H5 and H9 virus subtypes among poultry in Egypt in 2009-2011.Infections anorectales sexuellement transmissibles (hors HPV)Letter to editor--EJVES3149 and EVES2690RMediene hetser norske muslimerD-serine increases adult hippocampal neurogenesisÉpidémiologie des infections sexuellement transmissiblesAn in vitro assessment of the cerebral hemodynamics through three patient specific circle of Willis geometries