- Hexi beam in the mountains there are a lot of sumac.
束河西山上有很多漆树。 - Sub-tropical tree species in the western mountain sumac has a broad distribution.
Impact of Sumac on postprandialhigh-fat oxidative stress
Biological Activities of Extracts from Sumac (Rhus spp.): A Review
Identification of a mutagenic substance in a spice, sumac, as quercetin ☆
Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extracts
Antimicrobial activities of Iranian sumac and avishan-e shirazi (Zataria multiflora) against some food-borne bacteria
The pattern of tree seedling establishment relative to staghorn sumac cover in Michigan old fields.
Antioxidant activities of rosemary, sage, and sumac extracts and their combinations on stability of natural peanut oil.
HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS screening of bioactive components from Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) fruits.
Antimicrobial effect of water extract of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) on the growth of some food borne bacteria including pathogens
Evaluation of reducing power and radical scavenging activities of water and ethanol extracts from sumac (Rhus coriaria L.)