- Shipbuilding ship repair base in Guangzhou on the 15th will mark the first one into Hong Kong's 300,000-ton supertanker maintenance.
Super-tanker Funds: Liquidity issues in shallow waters大 型 油槽 船 の操 縦 性 に 関す る模 型 試 験 正員 野 本 謙 作* 正員 杢 中 勝*Supertanker MemoirsSUPER TANKERSupertankerGeochemical changes in crude oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez supertanker into Prince William Sound, AlaskaHuman Errors in Detection, Diagnosis, and Compensation for Failures in the Engine Control Room of a SupertankerDesign of the steering controller of a supertanker using linear quadratic control theory: A feasibility studyVon Eisbergen und Supertankern: Topologie eines Campus-Managcment-Einführungsprozesses.A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL VULNERABILITY OF MACHIAS BAY, MAINE TO OIL SUPERTANKERS