Whenthefootsupinates,such as when pedalingabike,this places additional stressonthisfascia.
Notes on the synonymy of some North American Thelephoraceae and other resupinatesRadio-ulnar joint supinates around ball release during baseball fastball pitchingPolyporaceae of Portugal (except resupinates). Revision of the Portuguese collections.A Field Guide to the Resupinates of HampshireDYNAMIC SUPINATED SPLINTThe molecular revolution in ectomycorrhizal ecology: peeking into the black-box.The influence of wing–wake interactions on the production of aerodynamic forces in flapping flightTechnical error of measurement: A methodological critiqueEtude du carpe au scanner à trois dimensions sous contraintes de prono-supinationThe effects of limb length discrepancy on subtalar joint kinematics during running.