suspension bridge吊桥
suspension system悬架系统;悬挂装置;悬浮体系;悬置系统
in suspension悬浮中
magnetic suspension磁悬浮,悬磁性
active suspension主动制导悬架系统(一种由计算机控制的机动车悬架系统)
cell suspension细胞悬液
air suspension空气弹簧;空气悬挂
suspension culture悬浮培养;悬液培养
front suspension前悬架;前悬挂;前悬吊
rear suspension后悬吊,后悬吊系统;后悬挂装置
independent suspension独立悬架,独立悬挂
active suspension system主动式悬吊系统;主动减震系统
suspension cable悬缆;吊索
aqueous suspension水性悬液;水中悬浮体
suspension arm吊臂;弹簧吊架;悬挂臂,悬架臂
spring suspension弹簧悬置
suspension bearing吊轴承
temporary suspension暂停
pulp suspension浆料悬浮液
suspension spring悬簧;托簧;悬挂弹簧
- I think her suspension from the team was a very harsh punishment.
我认为她被暂停参加队的比赛是很严厉的处罚。 - The conspicuous suspicious pension is in suspension.
那笔引人注目的可疑养老金被暂停发放。 - She appealed against her suspension.
她对被停职一事已经上诉。 - The headmaster has made a decision of suspension of a pupil from school.
校长已经做出对一名学生停学处分的决定。 - Such action may result in suspension of the procurement process.
此种行动可能造成该采购过程的中止。 - The poor suspension gives a rather bumpy ride.
因悬挂装置性能差,行驶时很颠簸。 - The bacteria suspension was aerosolized.
细菌悬浮液以雾状喷射出去。 - Suspension Sampling technique had been used to FAAS for determining trace copper in tea.
Head suspension assembly with fins
The spaces in a uniform random suspension of fibres
Nutrient requirements of suspension cultures of soybean root cells
Mechanism of heat flow in suspension of nano-sized particle (nanofluids)
Survey of Advanced Suspension Developments and Related Optimal Control Applications 1 , 2
"On water": unique reactivity of organic compounds in aqueous suspension.
Rate of release of medicaments from ointment bases containing drugs in suspension.
NO way back: nitric oxide and programmed cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cultures.
High-level and high-throughput recombinant protein production by transient transfection of suspension-growing human 293-EBNA1 cells
Dependence of Optical Transition Energies on Structure for Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Aqueous Suspension: An Empirical Kata...