Swing doorStructure of myoglobin-ethyl isocyanide. Histidine as a swinging door for ligand entryThe ‘swing-door’ technique for uncinectomy in endoscopic sinus surgeryPostauricular undersurface tympanic membrane grafting: some modifications of the "swinging door"technique.Swinging door flap technique for endoscopic transeptal repair of bilateral choanal atresiaOptimization of the Side Swing Door Closing EffortAn Optimized Swinging Door Algorithm for Identifying Wind Ramping EventsHeaven's Swing Door: Endogenous Skills, Migration Networks and the Effectiveness of Quality-Selective Immigration PoliciesHeaven's Swing Door: Endogenous Skills, Migration Networks, and the Effectiveness of Quality‐Selective Immigration PoliciesAn optimized swinging door algorithm for wind power ramp event detection