- It was tactless of you to tell him in front of others.
你实在不机智,竟当着别人面前告诉他。 - My defects are blunt, tactless and over sensible.
我缺点耿直, 不圆滑, 过份理智。
Tactless Green did little for Rangers legacy, says Rae
The tactless philosopher, Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–98)
Tactless scientists: Ignoring touch in the study of joint attention
A tactless analog-to-digital converter with bit-by-bit equilibration
A Tactless Question: Rejoinder to the Forum on Bureau Men, Settlement Women
An 'Entirely Tactless Nietzschean Jew': Oscar Levy's Critique of Western Civilization
RESTLESS, ENDLESS, TACTLESS: Johanna Beyer and the Birth of American Percussion Music
Playboy Model Enrages Twitter Users With A Tactless Joke About The Aurora Shooting
Communicating with Tact and Professionalism ( in a tactless and unprofessional world )
Characteristic Analyses for Separate Transformer in Con-tactless Inductive Power Transfer System