take place, happen, occur
take place 多表示情况或事情按计划发生。如:The story took place in 1917.(故事发生在1917年。)
happen 是常用词,指偶然或按计划的发生。如:When did the explosion happen?(爆炸什么时候发生?)
take place, chance, happen, occur
take place, happen
take place 必然性的发生 Great changes have taken place in my hometown.
- The meeting will take place soon.
会议即将举行。 - An fatal accident took place at this cross three years ago.
这个十字路口三年前发生了一起死亡事故。 - The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.
游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。 - Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached.
Does evolution take place in an ecological vacuum? II
How does the trans-cis photoisomerization of azobenzene take place in organic solvents?
Proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase can take place without the conserved glutamic acid in subunit I.
Does Evolution Take Place in an Ecological Vacuum? II. "'The Time Has Come' the Walrus Said...": Presidential Address to the Society...
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