Tantalising asymmetries in special relativity"Tantalising Fragments": The Proofs of Virginia Woolf's "Orlando"'Tantalising Glimpses': The Intersecting Lives of Eleanor Marx and Mathilde BlindTantalising tongues: male carpet pythons use chemoreception to differentiate among femalesPsychic Tricks and Seasickness in a Tantalising Novel of IdeasInfliximab in extrapulmonary sarcoidosis: tantalising but inconclusive.Sound in educational presentations the tantalising, terrifying, too-often-forgotten toolIndian Summer in the City ; the Tantalising Sights, Smells and Tastes of the Asian Subcontinent Come to London in a Grand Festival o...Conservation and environmental management in Australia: three big problems and ten tantalising prospects. [Paper presented at the Jo...Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs Flexibility, Technology and Academics’ Practices: Tantalising Tales...