- The tantalizing smell of fried bacon made me feel more hungry.
Tantalizing Timeless
Evolution. Tantalizing timeless.
Transcription: tantalizing times for T cells.
Tantalizing Transcriptomes-SAGE and Its Use in Global Gene Expression Analysis
Stemming the Obesity Epidemic: A Tantalizing Prospect
Mars quakes set to reveal tantalizing clues to planet's early years.
Tantalizing evidence for caspase-like protein expression and activity in the cellular stress response of Archaea
Interventional cardiovascular magnetic resonance: still tantalizing
Phosphorylation of Mammalian eIF4E by Mnk1 and Mnk2: Tantalizing Prospects for a Role in Translation
Phosphorylation of mammalian eIF4E by Mnk1 and Mnk2: tantalizing prospects for a role in translation.