Enrollment of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants in a Clinical Research Study May Not Be Representative
Trisomy 7 and Sex Chromosome Loss Need Not Be Representative of Tumor Parenchyma Cells in Malignant Glioma
Liquid serial dilution is inferior to solid media for isolation of cultures representative of the phylum-level diversity of soil bac...
The challenge of representative design in psychology and economics
Process and apparatus for treatment of an analog electric signal for obtaining a parametrable binary signal representative of its si...
The minimum number of target lesions that need to be measured to be representative of the total number of target lesions (according ...
Can coastal biodiversity measured in four Mediterranean sites be representative of the region? A test for the robustness of the NaGI...
Representative of Quasidifferentials and Its Formula for a Quasidifferentiable Function
Phosphorus Forms in Overland Flow from Agricultural Soils Representative of Mediterranean Areas
The structure of [Li(HO)]H[CoHIO].3HO - a heteropoly periodate representative of a new type of heteropoly salt