- He's been temping for over a year now and wants a permanent job.
Significance of Egg and Larval Size to Recruitment Variability of Temp...
Influence of adhesive curing temperature upon the performance of FRP strengthened steel structures at ambient and elevated temperatu...
Self-cleaning of wool-polyamide and polyester textiles by TiO 2 -rutile modification under daylight irradiation at ambient temperature
Integration of lakes and streams in a landscape perspective: the importance of material processing on spatial patterns and temporal ...
CMORPH: A Method That Produces Global Precipitation Estimates From Passive Microwave and Infrared Data at High Spatial and Temporal ...
Magnetic resonance imaging-based computer-assisted stereotactic resection of the hippocampus and amygdala in patients with temporal ...
Identification of the sigma E subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase: a second alternate sigma factor involved in high-temperatu...
Supported Au Catalysts Prepared from Au Phosphine Complexes and As-Precipitated Metal Hydroxides: Characterization and Low-Temperatu...
Anionic Polymerization of (Meth)acrylic Monomers. 20. Controlled Anionic Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate at Elevated Temperatu...
1-Benzenesulfinyl piperidine/trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride: a potent combination of shelf-stable reagents for the low-temperatu...