- Acetaldehyde almost exists ubiquitously and is harmful to people.
乙醛广泛存在于环境中,危害人体健康。 - The corresponding reaction of acetaldehyde is subject to general base catalysis.
Acetaldehyde Metabolism in Different Aldehyde Dehydrogenase‐2 Genotypes
Ethylene, ethane, acetaldehyde, and ethanol production by plants under stress.
Acetaldehyde selectively stimulates collagen production in cultured rat liver fat-storing cells but not in hepatocytes.
High blood acetaldehyde levels after ethanol administration. Difference between alcoholic and nonalcoholic subjects.
Acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde react together to generate distinct protein adducts in the liver during long-term ethanol administr...
Acetaldehyde-modified epitopes in liver biopsy specimens of alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients: localization and association with p...
Proline-Catalyzed One-Step Asymmetric Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-(2E)-hexenal from Acetaldehyde
An efficient TiO 2 thin-film photocatalyst: photocatalytic properties in gas-phase acetaldehyde degradation
Efficient photocatalytic decomposition of acetaldehyde over a solid-solution perovskite (Ag0.75Sr0.25)(Nb0.75Ti0.25)O-3 under visibl...
Calculation of Energy Levels for Internal Torsion and Over‐All Rotation. II. CH3CHO Type Molecules; Acetaldehyde Spectra