Kinetics of N-(Delta-Isopentenyl)Adenosine Degradation in Tobacco Cells: EVIDENCE OF A REGULATORY MECHANISM UNDER THE CONTROL OF CYT...
Cytokinins: Metabolism and Biological Activity of N-(Delta-Isopentenyl)adenosine and N-(Delta-Isopentenyl)adenine in Tobacco Cells a...
Cytokinins: Formation of the nucleoside-5′-triphosphate in tobacco and Acer cells
Cytokinins: Formation of the nucleoside‐triphosphate in tobacco and Acer cells
Metabolism and biological significance of benzyladenine-7-glucoside ☆
Enzymatic synthesis of ribonucleoside-5′-phosphates from some N 6 -substituted adenosines
Kinectics of N6-(∆2-isopentenyl) adenosine degradation in tobacco cells: evidence of a regulatory mechanism under the control of cy...
Modalités de l'utilisation des cytokinines exogènes par les cellules de Tabac cultivées en milieu liquide agité
Plant cell permeability to kinetin
Four Models of Science Journalism: A Synthesis and Practical Assessment