
英 [æsɪ'təʊnɪk]
美 [æsɪ'toʊnɪk]
  • adj.


  • 英英释义


    • adj.of or relating to acetone


    Development of the Butyl-Acetonic Fermentation Industry
    Acetonic extract of Buxus sempervirens induces cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and autophagy in breast cancer cells.
    Hepatoprotective effect of acetonic and methanolic extracts of Heterotheca inuloides against CCl(4)-induced toxicity in rats.
    Kava hepatotoxicity: Comparison of aqueous, ethanolic, acetonic kava extracts and kava–herbs mixtures
    Meta-analysis of the efficacy of the acetonic kava-kava extract WS ®; 1490 in patients with non-psychotic anxiety disorders †
    Inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by an acetonic extract from Feijoa sellowiana Berg. fruits
    Hypoglycaemic and antidiabetic activity of acetonic extract of Vernonia colorata leaves in normoglycaemic and alloxan-induced diabet...
    Stimulating effects of hydro-ethanolic and acetonic extracts of Phaseolus vulgaris (Fabaceae) on proliferation and differentiation o...
    Antioxidant and antidiabetic properties of condensed tannins in acetonic extract of selected raw and processed indigenous food ingre...
    Antioxidant activity and melanogenesis inhibitory effect of the acetonic extract of Osmanthus fragrans: A potential natural and func...