acetousThe Product of Corn Acetous MilkOn the acetous perchloric acid titration of amino acidsImprovement in managing saccharine, vinous, and acetous fermentationNonaqueous titration of theophylline combinations with acetous perchloric acidSimple, Sensitive and Reproducible Acetous Perchlorate and Spectrophotometric Determination of Atenolol in Tablet Dosage FormConstruing temporal metabolomes for acetous fermentative production of Rubus coreanus vinegar and its in vivo nutraceutical effectsElective affinity before geoffroy: daniel sennert's atomistic explanation of vinous and acetous fermentationAn Experimental Inquiry into What Takes Place during the Vinous, the Acetous, and Different Putrefactive Fermentations of Dissolved ...Simultaneous production of acetic and gluconic acids by a thermotolerant Acetobacter strain during acetous fermentation in a bioreac...