- Then Tim and Tom tapped the tom-toms.
然后提姆和汤姆轻轻地敲着印第安手鼓。 - Tim and Tom taped two tom-toms together.
Tom-TomElastomeric spring of floor tom-tom drumSpectral changes in the tom-tom related to striking forceSpectral Changes in the Tom-Tom Related toThe tom-tom corer: a new design of the Kajak corer for use in meiofauna samplingLe meilleur de Tom-Tom et Nana - Volume 1 - Méga-farces et mini-gaffesBernadette Després. Annie, Valérie, Nicole... Tom-Tom et NanaThe Passion and Pageantry of Shirley Graham’s Opera Tom-TomTom-Tom et Nana - Tome 6- Bande de sauvages !TOM-TOM CLUB