A Tractate on Japanese AestheticsA Tractate on Japanese AestheticsThe Mishnaic law of blessings and prayers : Tractate BerakhotA Comprehensive Study Environment for a Talmudic TractateThe great dedicatory inscription of Ramesses II A solar-osirian tractate at AbydosWisdom, Politics, and Historiography. Tractate Avot in the Context of the Graeco-Roman Near East by Amram TropperThe Bavli and its sources : the question of tradition in the case of tractate SukkahLiving labour and the labour of living: a little tractate for looking forward in the twenty-first centuryEnabling Communities by Constructed Media: The Case of a Web-Based Study Environment for a Talmudic TractateEnabling Communities by Constructed Media: The Case of a Web-Based Study Environment for a Talmudic Tractate