- The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll.
游戏引擎将会计算这个脚本并把这个行为和胆怯的巨人相关联。 - With the key, you can free the imprisoned troll, who will then free the passageway for you as a reward.
用这把钥匙可以释放被囚禁的巨人们,它们作为回报会帮你清除通道。 - These were evidently a different type of troll than the mountain variety, since they seemed considerably more intelligent and less smelly.
TROLL - Tandem repeat occurence locator
Hey Troll, Who You Calling a Troll?
TROLL: a language for object-oriented specification of information systems
The Troll in Toll: Mal and Tram as bridges for TLR2 and TLR4 signaling
Fatigue and Mortality in Troll-Caught Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus)
Object-Oriented Specification of Information Systems: The TROLL Language
Climate change group wants to troll Trump by carving his face into a glacier and then watching it melt
Petroleum migration, alteration, and remigration within Troll field, Norwegian North Sea
Die Infloreszenzen. Typologie und Stellung im Aufbau des Vegetationskorpers. by Wilhelm Troll
Study of structural, successional and spatial patterns in tropical rain forests using TROLL, a spatially explicit forest model