Frozen unbaked bread dough: Past, present, future.Freezing and thawing of unbaked productsTHE TREATMENT OF AN UNBAKED MUD STATUE FROM ANCIENT EGYPTUNBAKED CHINESE DUMPLINGS, BAKED CHINESE DUMPLINGS AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAMEVOC Outgassing from Baked and Unbaked Ventilation FiltersSensory Quality of Selected Sweeteners: Unbaked and Baked Flour DoughsPhoton stimulated desorption of an unbaked stainless steel chamber by 3.75 keV critical energy photonsReduction of water outgassing and UHV production in an unbaked vacuum chamber by neon gas dischargeSoil property apotheosis to corral the finest compressive strength of unbaked adobe bricksProduction of ultrahigh vacuum by helium glow discharge cleaning in an unbaked vacuum chamber