- His immature behavior was not so interesting.
他的不成熟的表现看上去不那么有趣。 - Sows are immature for the majority of their breeding life.
The Nutritional Ecology of Immature Insects
Immature, semi-mature and fully mature dendritic cells: which signals induce tolerance or immunity?
Mouse type I IFN-producing cells are immature APCs with plasmacytoid morphology.
Increased production of immature myeloid cells in cancer patients: a mechanism of immunosuppression in cancer.
Selective Recruitment of Immature and Mature Dendritic Cells by Distinct Chemokines Expressed in Different Anatomic Sites
Selective ablation of immature blood vessels in established human tumors follows vascular endothelial growth factor withdrawal
Antibodies to CD3/T-cell receptor complex induce death by apoptosis in immature T cells in thymic cultures
PKC-theta is required for TCR-induced NF-kappaB activation in mature but not immature T lymphocytes.
Bidirectional long-term modification of synaptic effectiveness in the adult and immature hippocampus.
The chemokine SDF-1 activates the integrins LFA-1, VLA-4, and VLA-5 on immature human CD34(+) cells: role in transendothelial/stroma...