- She only unbends in the family circle.
她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。 - Most professors unbend outside the lecture theatre.
Aiming device for locking nail - comprises straight, unbent locking nail with auxiliary rail fixable in area of guide holes to bone ...
Bending moduli of polymeric surfactant interfaces
Reversible bending and helix geometry in a B-DNA dodecamer: CGCGAATTBrCGCG.
Inorganic Semiconductors for Flexible Electronics
Heterogeneous three-dimensional electronics by use of printed semiconductor nanomaterials.
A magnetoelastic strange attractor
Vortex Strings and Four-Dimensional Gauge Dynamics
Real-time painting with an expressive virtual Chinese brush
Pre-bending of a promoter sequence enhances affinity for the TATA-binding factor
Non-sinusoidal bending waves of sperm flagella