The unduplicated self.Ectopia in unduplicated ureters in children.Chapter 9 – The Unduplicated SelfSURF – Structural Unduplicated Reach and FrequencyHeteroduplex regions in unduplicated bacteriophage lambda recombinantsFAST CALCULATIONS OF TOTAL UNDUPLICATED REACH AND FREQUENCY STATISTICSTurf revisited: Enhancements to total unduplicated reach and frequency analysisSURF u2014 STRUCTURAL UNDUPLICATED REACH AND FREQUENCY: LATENT CLASS TURF AND SHAPLEY VALUE ANALYSESAssessing bias in community‐based prevalence estimates: towards an unduplicated count of problem drinkers and drug usersPhylogenetic Analysis of Kindlins Suggests Subfunctionalization of an Ancestral Unduplicated Kindlin into Three Paralogs in Vertebra...