deliberate unfaithfulness有意不忠
On Unfaithfulness in Translation论翻译的不忠实
Unfaithfulness to God 偶像崇拜 ; 邪神崇拜对上帝的不忠
the causes of unfaithfulness不忠实原因
Lies and unfaithfulness我不喜欢
Paranoiaandschizophreniacancausedelusionsofunfaithfulness,causing ajealousreaction.
Yourchildrenwill beshepherds here for fortyyears, suffering for yourunfaithfulness,until the last ofyourbodies liesinthe desert.
你们的儿女必在旷野漂流四十年, 担当你们淫行的罪,直到你们的尸首在旷野消灭.
Thisunfaithfulness is how FilipinagirlsarebrandedaswhoresbyAmericanwomen.
Detection of Unfaithfulness and Robust Causal Inference
Detection of Unfaithfulness and Robust Causal Inference
Women can judge sexual unfaithfulness from unfamiliar men's faces.
Unfaithfulness and promiscuity of a mutant androgen receptor in a hormone-refractory prostate cancer
Sexual and cardiovascular correlates of male unfaithfulness.
"Faith and unfaithfulness: Can praying for your partner reduce infidelity?": Correction to Fincham, Lambert, and Beach (2010).
Major Histocompatibility Complex Alleles, Sexual Responsivity, and Unfaithfulness in Romantic Couples
Looking deeper: Extradyadic behaviors, jealousy, and perceived unfaithfulness in hypothetical dating relationships
Sex differences in subjective distress to unfaithfulness: testing competing evolutionary and violation of infidelity expectations hy...
Limitations of individual causal models, causal graphs, and ignorability assumptions, as illustrated by random confounding and desig...