- The local newspaper reported very unfavorably on the strike.
Changes in cognitive abilities over a 4-year period are unfavorably affected in elderly diabetic subjects: results of the Epidemiolo...Rupture nucleation on unfavorably oriented faultsRobot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy; a feasible technique for removal of unfavorably localized myomasRehabilitation with total fixed prosthesis on unfavorably positioned implants in maxilla: Case reportRegularities of age dynamics in unfavorably developing forms of schizophrenia in the light of late follow up studies in old ageEffects of Acquiescent Response Set on Patient Satisfaction RatingsHollow glass microspheres and process for their productionPartner verification: Restoring shattered images of our intimates.Genetic correlations between reproduction and production traits in swineIn-Group Versus Out-Group Comparisons and Self-Esteem