shape_ungroupcompile _ auto _ ungroup _ count _ leaf _ cells[R] vector graphics/ ungroup and edit in CorelDraw[R] vector graphics/ ungroup and edit in CorelDrawSerological studies of ungroupable Neisseria meningitidis.Group or ungroup - moose behavioural response to recolonization of wolvesConsistency Maintenance of Group/Ungroup Operations in Object-based Collaborative Graphical Editing SystemsRelationships Between HEDs, Mesosiderites, Ungrouped Achondrites: Trace Element Analyses of Mesosiderite RKPA 79015 and Ungrouped Ac...Relationships Between HEDs, Mesosiderites, Ungrouped Achondrites: Trace Element Analyses of Mesosiderite RKPA 79015 and Ungrouped Ac...Asteroid Itokawa (LL Chondrite) Regolith Size Frequency Characteristics and Comparison to Disaggregated Tagish Lake (C2 Ungrouped) M...