
英 [ˌju:nɪ'nju:klɪɪt]
美 [ˌjunɪ'njuklɪɪt]
  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    uninucleate[ ,ju:ni'nju:kliit ]

    • adj.having one nucleus


    Homoeotypic Division in Uninucleate Pollen Mother Cells
    Uninucleate giant cell induced in soybean by the nematode Rotylenchulus Macrodoratus
    A simple method for enrichment of uninucleate conidia of Aspergillus oryzae
    Effect of uninucleate Rhizoctonia on the survival of outplanted Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings.
    Identification of a uninucleate Rhizoctonia sp. by pathogenicity, hyphal anastomosis and RAPD analysis
    The mode of infection of pathogenic uninucleate Rhizoctonia sp. in conifer seedling roots
    Anamorphic and teleomorphic characteristics of a uninucleate Rhizoctonia sp. isolated from the roots of nursery grown conifer seedli...
    Isolation and characterization of an endonuclease synthesized by barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) uninucleate microspores
    Expression of an anther-specific chalcone synthase-like gene is correlated with uninucleate microspore development in Nicotiana sylv...
    Studies on Microspore Development in Liliaceous Plants III. Pollen Tube Development in Lily Pollens Cultured from the Uninucleate Mi...