Unloosen universal bending pipe with better bending ability
Apparatus having means for unloosenly winding a tape to reels of a tape cassette
Temporal changes in soil physical conditions after deep loosening of a silty clay loam in SW England
The cost of stress: Dry matter partitioning changes with seasonal supply of water and nitrogen to dryland wheat
Effects of subsoil loosening and irrigation on soil physical properties, root distribution and water uptake of potatoes ( Solanum tu...
Effects of subsoil loosening on soil physical properties, plant root growth, and pasture yield
The membrane-type-matrix metalloproteinase/matrix metalloproteinase-2/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 system in periprosthet...
Yield, grading and distribution of potatoes in ridges in relation to planting depth and ridge size.
Tārā and Nyai Lara Kidul: Images of the Divine Feminine in Java
[Infected total knee prosthesis. Guidance for therapeutic choice]