The angular range of achromatic target detection by honey bees
Retinal mechanisms for chromatic and achromatic vision.
Brightness constancy and the nature of achromatic colors.
Large‐area achromatic interferometric lithography for 100 nm period gratings and grids
Color constancy in the nearly natural image. 2. Achromatic loci
Color Constancy in the Nearly Natural Image. 2. Achromatic loci
Spatiotemporal variation of chromatic and achromatic contrast thresholds
Achromatic Color Variation in Black-Capped Chickadees, Poecile atricapilla: Black and White Signals of Sex and Rank
Applied optics. Multiwavelength achromatic metasurfaces by dispersive phase compensation
Discrimination of coloured stimuli by honeybees: alternative use of achromatic and chromatic signals