Anatomic crown width/height ratios of unworn and worn teeth in white subjects
My life in a sock drawer: unworn jewellery and the construction and preservation of identity
Anatomic crown width/length ratios of unworn and worn maxillary teeth in white subjects
Dynamic in vitro dehydration patterns of unworn and worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses
Microscopic observation of unworn siloxane–hydrogel soft contact lenses by atomic force microscopy
Microscopic observation of unworn siloxane–hydrogel soft contact lenses by atomic force microscopy
Adherence of Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts and trophozoites to unworn soft contact lenses
The role of pili in the attachment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to unworn hydrogel contact lenses
Adherence of cysts and trophozoites of Acanthamoeba to unworn rigid gas permeable and soft contact lenses.
Microscopic observations of superficial ultrastructure of unworn siloxane‐hydrogel contact lenses by cryo‐scanning electron micros...