achromicachromicRadiachromic: A radiation monitoring systemFast-Switching Photovoltachromic Cells with Tunable TransmittanceVisual comfort assessment of smart photovoltachromic windowsPaired melanotic and achromic macules in a case of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis: A further example of twin spotting?Epidermal grafting. An original technique and its application in achromic and granulating areasAutologous Cellular Suspensions and Sheets in the Treatment of Achromic Disorders: The Need for Future Controlled StudiesPhotodynamic activities of silicon phthalocyanines against achromic M6 melanoma cells and healthy human melanocytes and keratinocytesFalabella REpidermal grafting: an original technique and its application in achromic and granulating areas. Arch Dermatol 104:592-600