Analysis of vertebrate eye movements following intravitreal drug injections. IV. Drug-induced eye movements are unyoked in the turtleDouble-side stator unyoked disperse magnetic guide block type linear switched reluctance motorUnyoked series resonant reactorOcular motor abnormalities in achiasmatic mutant Belgian sheepdogs: unyoked eye movements in a mammalBinocular and monocular aspects of oculomotor controlIntertemporal Choice: TheoryBinoculaire en monoculaire aspecten van oculomotorische reguleringAnalysis of vertebrate eye movements following intravitreal drug injections. III. Spontaneous nystagmus is modulated by the GABAa re...See-saw nystagmus and congenital nystagmus identified in the decussating retinal-fugal fiber syndromeIndependent eye movements in the turtle