uricacidemiauricacidemiaURICACIDEMIA: BASED ON A STUDY OF 1,500 BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSESAnalysising of Uricacidemia Prevalence Characteristic on Officials in Zengcheng[Dynamic study of uricacidemia in healthy individuals and in patients with joint diseases].Effects of treating uricacidemia by losartan in patients with hypertension associated hyperuricemia[Cortisone in regulation of uricacidemia and uricaciduria in specific experimental conditions]Clinical experiences with Milurit treatment in uricacidemia of various originCorrelation of uricacidemia and uricosuria in health and in diseases of joints: circadian and three-day time courseThe Effect of Losartan on Blood Pressure,Uricacidemia and Proteinuria in Hypertensive Patients