user interface用户界面
user name用户名
user experience用户体验
end user最终用户
graphical user interface图形用户界面
user demand用户需求
user group用户组,用户集团
user account用户帐户,用户帐号
user friendly[电]使用者亲和性
computer user计算机用户;用电脑者
user profile[计]用户预置文件
user authentication用户认证;用户身分鉴定
user id用户名;用户标识
user login用户登录
user manual使用手册
user interaction用户交互;使用者互动
user guide用户指南;使用手册
user mode用户状态
registered user注册使用人
terminal user终端机用户;联机检索订户
- It allows the user to enter data on a keyboard.
字处理软件允许用户在键盘上输入数据。 - Yes , I am an existing MERP user.
是,我是现代教育资源库的用户。 - The user interacts with the computer.
使用者同计算机对话。 - Expand User Configuration to set restrictions on a per-user basis.
Mplus user's guide (7th ed.)
Mplus user's guide (version 7.2)
Mplus user's guide (third edition)
SAS-IML User's Guide: release 6.03 edition
User acceptance of information technology: toward a unified view
User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models
BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology
Ter Braak CJF, Šmilauer P. CANOCO Reference manual and CanoDraw for Windows User's guide: Software for Canonical Community Ordinati...