uselessness n无用
a feeling of uselessness一种无能为力的感觉
feeling of uselessness detail无用感
The Hall of Uselessness无用堂文存
feeling of uselessness无用感
regarded as uselessness被废弃
The Uselessness of Pets没有用的宠物
Zone of Uselessness无用地带
uselessness and insignificance无用和渺小
Overtime,theconvictionofyourpermanentuselessnessandlack ofmeaningcanevenmakeyouwanttodie.
The aesthetic ofuselessness,leisure, and adornmenthas takenover as part of a larger overwhelmingurge to appear “modern” and sophisticated.
As forthesupposeduselessnessofyouryoungboss,Ican believeheislessexperienced and more ignorantthanyou.
USELESSNESSUselessnessUselessnessThe Uselessness of Public UseUselessness of anti-actin antibody in celiac disease screeningUselessness of ARFIMA Model in Forecasting Chinese Stock MarketMeaning and Uselessness: How to Think About Derogatory WordsOn the Uselessness of Men - Comparison of Sexual and Asexual ReproductionUselessness and indirect negative effects of an insecticide on rice field invertebratesThe Unfortunate Uselessness of Most 'State of the Art' Academic Monetary EconomicsPromoting Scholarship that Matters: The Uselessness of Useful Research and the Usefulness of Useless ResearchAlcohol metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster: uselessness of the most active aldehyde oxidase produced by the aldox locus.Buerger's disease: cigarette smoker disease may always be cured by medical therapy alone. Uselessness of operative treatment.