- This experiment suggests that enhancement of vagal tone may play a beneficial effect in the termination of VF.
实验表示增加迷走神经的紧张性可能对终止室颤起有益作用。 - Conclusion Fangsong training counteracted markedly the reduction in vagal activity,while hypoxia training counteracted markedly the decrease in sympathetic activity.
Vagal sensory receptors and their reflex effects.
Vagal and sympathetic mechanisms in patients with orthostatic vasovagal syncope
The role of vagal function in the risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality.
Altered vagal and intestinal mechanosensory function in chronic unexplained dyspepsia
Vagal afferent and reflex responses to changes in surface osmolarity in lower airways of dogs.
Afferent vagal C fibre innervation of the lungs and airways and its functional significance.
Vagal stimulation and prevention of sudden death in conscious dogs with a healed myocardial infarction
Selective vagal denervation of the atria eliminates heart rate variability and baroreflex sensitivity while preserving ventricular i...
Catheter ablation of cardiac autonomic nerves for prevention of vagal atrial fibrillation
An autoradiographic examination of the central distribution of the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagal nerves in the mon...