- He had tried vainly and lost his heart at last.
他徒劳地尝试,终于失去了信心。 - We struggle vainly, fighting to solve the problem.
Void in soul we seek vainly to fill with alcohol
Scientists May Be Searching Vainly for Negative Proton
Liverpool Vainly Tries to Shrug off Its Past in Bid to Be Culture Capital
Vainly Beating the Air: Species-Concept Debates Need Not Impede Progress in Science or Conservation
"A Fond Thing Vainly Invented": An essay on Purgatory and Pious Motive in late medieval England
Chronic fatigue syndrome and functional hypoadrenia--fighting vainly the old ennui
A Representative work that Vainly Attempts to Westernize China——On Yang Ji-sheng's Paper "My View of Chinese Pattern"
Sir Freddie Laker And His Fans, Pitching To The End, Try Vainly To Avert The Wreck Of Skytrain
Japan's Harsh Reality Check: A Country That Thought It Was Managing Change Was Trying-Vainly-To Avoid the Unavoidable