- He was John Bull in a Benedictine robe.
The Benedictine rule of leadership :
Benedictine Roots in the Development of Deaf Education
Benedictine Maledictions: Liturgical Cursing in Romanesque France
The corporate governance of Benedictine abbeys
Benedictine Monachism, Studies in Benedictine Life and Rule by Dom Cuthbert Butler
The Corporate Governance of Benedictine Abbeys: What can Stock Corporations Learn from Monasteries?
Benedictine Offers Firefighters Free Education President of Lisle University Says Classes Are a 'Thank You' in Wake of Sept. 11
The pharmacy of the Benedictine monks: The use of medicinal plants in Northeast Brazil during the nineteenth century (1823–1829)
Benedictine monastery on the Island of Rab hides the mystery of sunlight influence on development of macular degeneration (AMD). Is ...
Mystical orientation and psychological type: an empirical study among guests staying at a Benedictine Abbey