Multiple regression and inference in ecology and conservation biology: further comments on identifying important predictor variables.
Foxp3+ CD25+ CD4+ natural regulatory T cells in dominant self-tolerance and autoimmune disease.
Swoogle:a search and metadata engine for the semantic web
Foxp3⁺ Natural Regulatory T Cells Preferentially Form Aggregates on Dendritic Cells in vitro and Actively Inhibit Their Maturation
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Resistance Exercise Training to Improve Glycemic Control in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
Potential function, ladder variables and absorption probabilities of a recurrent random walk on $\mathbb{Z}$ with infinite variance
Analysis of the genomic distribution of linker histone H1 variants in human = Anàlisi de la distribució genòmica de les variants ...
Bacteriological assessment of river Jataganga, located in Indian Himalaya, with reference to physico-chemical and seasonal variation...
Freeform Additive Manufacturing by vari-directional vari-dimensional material deposition
Der Einfluss von biomechanischer Dehnung und HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren auf variköse Remodellierungsprozesse