- A vending machine.
投币或自动售货机 - A roll of postage stamps prepared for use in a vending machine.
Vending machine adapted to vend age-restricted items
Sequence optimization to reduce velocity offsets in cardiovascular magnetic resonance volume flow quantification - A multi-vendor st...
Thickness of Quaternary deposits and their relation to the pre㏎uaternary in the Fennoscandian border zone in Kattegat and Vendsyssel
Vend-Cambrian paleogeography of the Siberian Platform southern part
Goldman, Kohlberg Kravis Vend 11% Kion Stake
Mineralogy, petrology and P–T–t path of Ca–Na amphibole assemblages, Saint‐Martin des Noyers formation, Vend&eacu...
Smoking and mortality from tuberculosis and other diseases in India: retrospective study of 43 000 adult male deaths and 35 000 co...
Submicron deformation field measurements: Part 2. Improved digital image correlation
Prospective Study of One Million Deaths in India: Rationale, Design, and Validation Results
Isohaline Position as a Habitat Indicator for Estuarine Populations