cape verde islands n. 佛得角群岛(大西洋岛国)
Monte Verde: seaweed, food, medicine, and the peopling of South AmericaLibro verde : fomentar un marco europeo para la responsabilidad social de las empresasFinal results from the Palo Verde neutrino oscillation experimentSearch for Neutrino Oscillations at the Palo Verde Nuclear ReactorsFIRE HISTORY AND VEGETATION PATTERN IN MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK, COLORADO, USAA gestão da formação na sucursal da Mundiserviços em Cabo VerdeFibra da casca do coco verde como substrato agrícola Fiber of green coconut shell as an agricultural substrateAnomalous heat flow and geoid across the Cape Verde Rise: evidence for dynamic support from a thermal plume in the mantleSource-rock identification by isotope analyses of natural gases from fields in the Val Verde and Delaware basins, west TexasChanges in endogenous abscisic acid levels during dormancy release and maintenance of mature seeds: studies with the Cape Verde Isla...