Verisimilar and Metaphorical Representations of TimeA Verisimilar Ordering of Theories Phrased in a Propositional LanguageExposing the Verisimilar: Hawthorne's "Wakefield"and "Feathertop"Verisimilar Percept Sequences Tests for Autonomous Driving Intelligent Agent AssessmentThe Description - Strategy of the Verisimilar or of the Phantasmal?Production of the verisimilar-history. Cinema in the limits of historical consciousnessCervantes and Inverisimilar Fiction: Reconsidering "La casa de los celos y selvas de Ardenia"The Development of Verisimilar Information Security Training Platform Based on Virtual HostPreventing another identical / similar / verisimilar 9/11 by taking 2nd (heavenly) opinion from satellitesOšetřovatelská kazuistika u nemocné s diagnózou Tumor pelvis minor verisimilar ovarialis