Mutism after removal of a vermian medulloblastoma: cerebellar mutism.Comparison of the transvermian and telovelar approaches to the fourth ventricle.Posterior fossa syndrome after a vermian stroke: a new case and review of the literatureSpecificity of Cerebellar Vermian Abnormalities in Autism: A Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging StudySonographic detection of inferior vermian agenesis in Dandy-Walker malformations: prognostic implicationsQuantification and comparison of telovelar and transvermian approaches to the fourth ventricleSpasmus nutans and congenital ocular motor apraxia with cerebellar vermian hypoplasiaOC6.03: Posterior fossa and vermian morphometry in the characterization of fetal cerebellar abnormalities—a three-dimensional ultra...Effect of Vision, Touch and Stance on Cerebellar Vermian-related Sway and Tremor: A Quantitative Physiological and MRI StudyIntellectual prognosis of the Dandy-Walker malformation in children: the importance of vermian lobulation