- How can a bishop marry? How can he flirt? The most he can say is: "I will see you in the vestry after service."
主教怎么能够结婚?他怎么能够调情?他能够说的话,充其量亦不过:“做过礼拜之后,在法衣室跟你见面吧。” - She is active in her church, serving as a Vestry member and vice-chair for Grace Episcopal Church.
A Guide for ChurchwardensGossip Girl, The Carlyles #4: Love the One You're WithSpiritual Practice: Prayer TriadsPengaruh Audit Tenure, Independensi Auditor, Rasio Hutang, dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan terhadap Manajemen Laba Discretionary accruals ...Showtime in WalthamstowGÖWG-Mitgliederversammlung am 4. November 1988 in BerlinDIARIO DE LA REBELION. TRANSITANDO POR LA CRISISGood Night, JohnnyVestry Book of the United Parishes of Ballywalter, Ballyhalbert, and Inishargie, in the Ardes, Co. down, 1706Asukasryhmät ja elinympäristö. Selvitys väestöryhmistä ja asukastarpeista