- So, the red vinasse is a valuable natural healthy food and worth tasting.
Sugarcane vinasse: Environmental implications of its useElectrochemical treatment of vinasse from beet molassesBeet vinasse applied to wheat under dryland conditions affects soil properties and yieldOptimization of the rate vinasse/grape marc for co-composting processBio-concentration of vinasse from the alcoholic fermentation of sugar cane molassesBiodegradation of phenol compounds in vinasse using Aspergillus terreus and Geotrichum candidumAnaerobic digestion of vinasse from sugarcane biorefineries in Brazil from energy, environmental, and economic perspectives: profit ...Application of a green manure and green manure composted with beet vinasse on soil restoration: effects on soil properties.Agricultural use of three (sugar-beet) vinasse composts: effect on crops and chemical properties of a Cambisol soil in the Guadalqui...Long-term effects of pre-harvest burning and nitrogen and vinasse applications on yield of sugar cane and soil carbon and nitrogen s...