- The violinist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world.
Vocal Virtuosity in the Brown Thrasher
The virtuosity of hepatic stellate cells
Digitized Virtuosity: Video War Games and Post-9/11 Cyber-Deterrence
Mnemonic virtuosity: A study of chess players.[Trans. ML Simmel & SB Barron.].
Collective Virtuosity in Organizations: A Study of Peak Performance in an Orchestra
Public Experiments and Displays of Virtuosity: The Core-Set Revisited.
Combining passions and abilities: Toward dialogic virtuosity
Schizophonic Performance: Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Virtual Virtuosity
"Brilliant"Variations on Sentimental Songs: Slipping Piano Virtuosity into the Drawing Room
Aesthetic fitness: How sexual selection shaped artistic virtuosity as a fitness indicator and aesthetic preferences as mate choice c...