
  • adj.


  • 学习怎么用


    Quality of design and usability: a vitruvian twin
    [The Vitruvian Man: an anatomical drawing for proportions by Leonardo Da Vinci]
    Pope's Epistle to Burlington: The Vitruvian Analogies
    Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man: a renaissance for inguinal hernias
    The Vitruvian manifold: Inferring dense correspondences for one-shot human pose estimation
    The enigma of Vitruvian resonating vases and the relevance of the concept for today
    Revisiting a Vitruvian preface: the value of multiple skills in contemporary architectural pedagogy
    Reproducing a Roman maritime structure with Vitruvian pozzolanic concrete
    Back to the Drawing Board Reconstructing DaVinci's Vitruvian Man To Teach Anatomy
    [Morgagni and Poleni as collaborators in the interpretation of the Vitruvian step and in the study of cardiac mechanics]