Traité des objets musicaux, coll. « Pierres vives »
Erika Ender, Carlos Vives & More Inducted Into the Latin Songwriters Hall of Fame
Besoins et usages du futur centre socioculturel des Eaux-Vives
Single Reviews: Michael Buble, Matt Hires, Ace Hood, Surfer Blood & Carlos Vives
Luis Vives (2005). Los Diálogos (Linguae latinae exercitatio). Estudio introductorio, edición crítica y comentario de Mª Pilar G...
Immeuble locatif et commercial 17-19 rue des Eaux-Vives, Honegger frères, Schmitt & Cie, architectes et ingénieurs, 1967-1970
Vives, E, Brodin, P and Lebleu, BA. Truncated HIV-1 Tat protein basic domain rapidly translocates through the plasma membrane and ac...
Josep M. MUÑOZ I LLORET, Jaume Vicens i Vives (1910-1960). Una biografía intel.lectual, Edicions 62 («Biografies i Memòries» 30...
Silhol, M., Tyagi, M., Giacca, M., Lebleu, B. & Vives, E. Different mechanisms for cellular internalization of the HIV-1 Tat-derived...
Corporate Governance: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, edited by Vives, X. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, viii&...