- Parrots express their emotions vocally and with attitudes and postures, as well.
How to vocally identify kin in a crowd: The penguin modelEffects of a Vocally Fatiguing Task and Systemic Hydration on Men's Voices ☆Effects of a vocally fatiguing task and systemic hydration on phonation threshold pressureAlarm system for sensing and vocally warning a person approaching a protected objectVocally mediated reciprocity between neighbouring groups of mantled howling monkeys, Alouatta palliata palliata *Factors in the recognition of vocally expressed emotions: A comparison of four languages.Surface EMG and related measures in normal and vocally hyperfunctional speakersMultidimensional comparisons of structures of vocally and facially expressed emotionMethod and apparatus for vocally communicating to a caller at a remote telephone station synthesized speech of stored special servic...Staffs' interpretation of the experience behind vocally disruptive behavior in severely demented patients and their feelings about i...