Nino e voce: o fenomeno climaticoVoce Islam-The blackwell Encyclopedia of SociologyThe validity of essay and viva-voce examining techniquesMata Atlantica e voce: como preservar, recuperar e se beneficiar da mais ameacada floresta brasileiraManual global de ecologia: o que voce pode fazer a respeito da crise do meio ambienteAnalysis of the stress-strain curves of a modified 9Cr-1Mo steel by the voce equationTensile flow and work hardening behaviour of 9Cr–1Mo ferritic steel in the frame work of Voce relationshipModelling of plastic deformation via segmented voce curves, linked to characteristic LEDS's which are generated by LEDS transformati...Analysis of elevated temperature flow and work hardening behaviour of service-exposed 2.25Cr-1Mo steel using Voce equationAn empirical assessment of implementation, adaptation, and tailoring: the evaluation of CDC's National Diffusion of VOICES/VOCES.